Region of Crete

The Region of Crete is a Public Law Entity, a second-grade local self government authority of Greece offering services for the benefit of its citizens. It is organized and operating according to the Greek Laws 3852/10 (FEK 87/07-06-2010) “Kallikratis Program” and 4555/2018 (FEK 133 Α΄)-“Kleisthenis I Program” consisted by 6 General Directorates and 36 Directorates. It plans and implements policies at regional level for the Economic, Social and Cultural Development of the island of Crete in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and social cohesion, taking into account National and European policies. The Development Planning Directorate is implementing the current project.

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Flag of Europe This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 957752.
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